Unraveling the Mysteries: San Juan Island Brewing’s most commonly asked questions answered
As we head into our busiest season of the year, we thought we’d answer your most commonly asked questions! See the answers below:
"Hey, do you folks brew up San Juan Seltzer here?"
Ah, the seltzer question! We hear this all too often. Let's set the record straight: our craft is beer, through and through. While San Juan Seltzer’s company name sounds similar to ours, we're all about the brews here — no seltzers in our lineup, with no plans to wander into seltzer territory.
"Is there really bull kelp in your Bull Kelp ESB?"
Straight to the point—no. Our Bull Kelp ESB might have a sea-inspired name, but it's all beer, no kelp included. It's all about capturing the spirit of our island surroundings in name rather than ingredients. Like many other brewers in the industry, our Head Brewer started homebrewing in his garage, which he had named “Bull Kelp Brewing”.
“Do you dabble in sours?”
Sour beers are a fascinating brew, aren't they? They typically require a different brewing process and a separate production facility due to the risk of infecting non-sour beers with the voracious microorganisms used in the souring process. This is why you see some Breweries specializing in sours, or have a heavy focus on them.
While we may enjoy the occasional sour, incorporating them into our program would mean significant changes to our current setup and/or the need for an additional facility.
"Which beer do your patrons love most?"
Our Outer Island IPA is by far the most consumed beer in our lineup, capturing the hearts of locals and visitors alike. It makes up ~20% of what we brew year round and the most pints sold in house (though Pilsner is hot on its heels).
Named after the archipelago that makes up the 400 islands and rocks of the San Juan Islands, the Outer Island is an ode to the classic West Coast IPA — crystal clear, firm bitterness, all balanced with juicy aroma thanks to the Centennial, Simcoe, and Amarillo hops. If our brewpub had a flag, the Outer Island IPA would be waving high on it.
"Where does the water in your brews come from?"
Trout Lake in 2020. Town of Friday Harbor, Contributed.
The source of our brewing water is the Trout Lake Watershed; perched high on the eastern slopes of Mount Dallas. It's the main source of water for the municipality of Friday Harbor, making our beers truly local.
This pristine water is ideal for brewing because its relatively short residence time (as opposed to an aquifer) discourages the dissolution of large quantities of mineral salts which might have to be removed if levels get too high. The “blank canvas” of our water allows us to easily brew a wide range of beer styles and deliver a product that's truly San Juan.
"Can you tell me about your brewing system's size?"
We're in a sweet spot, producing a little over 2,000 barrels (~60,000 gallons) per year. Our brewhaus is capable of brewing 16 barrels (~500 gallons) per batch and all of our fermenters are capable of fermenting 30 barrels (1,000 gallons) at a time. It's the perfect size for us to maintain small volume artisanal quality while still keeping up with your thirst!
How long do beers take?
Patience is a virtue, especially in brewing. Our lagers take a leisurely six weeks to perfect, while our ales are ready to meet the world in three. It's all about giving our beers the time they need to develop their full flavor profile, ensuring every sip is worth the wait.